
Showing posts from February, 2018


No thesis work today- we just worked on AP registration and scheduling!


Ellie shared with me the Google Doc of her story so far and I've been helping her make edits and such. The collaborative process is really fun for us! We've made plans to do work on it outside of school soon. I placed some of my rough illustrations next to her text and we've started getting a vision as to how this book will look. I also did some research into storyboard programs to help with the layout of the book.


I continued doing illustration for the book today. I've been doing a lot of sketching at home so that I can do digital illustration during class. Coloring in the pages takes a lot more time than I was anticipating, so I mostly spend the class doing that. I found some good Photoshop brushes, tools, and add-ons that are helping me out through the process. Hopefully I'll have some completed pages soon.


Absent :(