
I'm stressed. I told myself I wasn't going to fall in love with a college, but that's what I did. UChicago is known for their quirky and weird prompts, and coming up with an idea for an essay was daunting. This is the prompt I chose:

University of Chicago alumna and renowned author/critic Susan Sontag said, "The only interesting answers are those that destroy the questions." We all have heard serious questions, absurd questions, and seriously absurd questions, some of which cannot be answered without obliterating the very question. Destroy a question with your answer.

Thought provoking, right? It's part of the reason I love the school. Luckily, I made a lot of progress today and even got Mr. Templet to read what I have so far. He gave me some really good feedback! This Winter Break is going to be a long of work because I still have 4 more supplements to write. Wish me luck.


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