
Showing posts from April, 2018


With a good part of our project completed, Ellie and I spent today doing a lot of research on judges. We're hoping to get one judge who specializes in art and another who's specializes in writing/publishing. So far, we have a few people in mind but we just need to reach out and find dates that work for everyone. We're in the home stretch now, so we're just finalizing details and tying up loose ends! I also started a google slides presentation for the actual thesis date.


Now that our book is in the final stages, Ellie and I have been working on getting judges, working on the paper, and the final presentation. There's not much to say about today, as I spent the whole period outlining the paper. I want to discuss our development process, the challenges we faced when coming up with ideas and illustrating, and the message/impact we want our book to have on the kids reading it. These are also the ideas I hope to hit in the presentation.