
Showing posts from October, 2017


Happy Halloween! The scariest part of today wasn't the costumes at school, but filling out the College Board CSS profile. I'm only kidding, but seriously, it's pretty stressful when the website can only load one page every two minutes. While waiting on that and getting responses from my parents about my financial aid info, I put the final touches on my Harvard supplement. Should be ready to hit submit tonight!


I worked on my Harvard supplement all class today. I got about halfway through when I thought, "is this good enough?" I'm not sure it is. So I'm brainstorming new ideas. I came up with the idea to write about my love of language, while only using pangrams (sentences that contain every letter of the alphabet). It's going to be really really difficult if I do it, but I think its a risk to take that is really unique. We'll see if it works.


Finally submitted my first application! I applied to the University of Florida today, and spent my time making sure everything was perfect. I finished expanding on my extracurricular list and polishing my descriptions, as well as checking over my essay for typos and other things I could change. When I finished that, I continued working on my last UT Austin supplement and my Harvard supplement.


I'm almost finished with my Harvard supplement, which means I'm almost finished with my Harvard application! I decided to go with the "letter to your roommate" essay, and I am writing about my favorite albums and why they are important to me. Specifically, I'm focusing on experimental genres such as post-rock and shoegaze, and how my interest in music that goes against the mainstream reflects my life values. Hopefully Harvard finds it as interesting as I do!


Mr. Correa read over my ApplyTexas essay, and I added some final changes to it. I think that essay is basically finished. I'm considering using it for my Harvard supplement, but I'm not sure yet. I also finished 2/3 UT short answer questions, the dream career question and the leadership one.


I spent less focusing on politics and music, but more time on my product. I started some research into how I can use the open-source Processing language ( to create an interactive timeline. I started on some prototypes, but I need to gain a larger knowledge of approaches I could take. I also need to figure out where I can host the website. I have an outline of a design completed.


Today, I continued work on my essay application for University of Texas. As of now, it is the only school with a November 1 deadline for which I still have to write a main essay. I decided to write my essay about NPR and the values of learning that I grew up with. I am also writing my supplemental essays on speechwriting, my dream job.


Today was another college day. I started off by cutting down my common app essay from 650 to 550 words. I am now completely done with the coalition application. Next, I started working on my ApplyTexas essay. I am writing about how I was raised on NPR and how that has shaped my interests in current affairs/politics.


I cotinued work on and finished my common app essay. I decided to write about Plano Teen Court and how it affected how I view the world. I also continued work on the coalition application and completed everything except the essay.